Spring Surprise

Spring Surprise © Steven Willard

What a wonderful surprise! I have seen swans on our lake before but it has been several years, and the pair then had no brood so this was a special moment for me. Fortunately, I had my long zoom with me.

Olympus OMD-EM1-MkII with the Olympus 40-150mm f2.8 processed in PS Express.

Urban Landscape

Urban Landscape © Steven Willard

To those who have followed this site for a while it will be obvious that I have been off my game for several months. Now I’ve been practicing photography for more than sixty years and am no stranger of the occasional dry spell. You know what I mean; I never leave home without a camera and keep my eyes open for possible images, but I just haven’t been able to press the shutter button. In the past this might have lasted for a few weeks, maybe even a month, but this spell has gone on way too long, something had to be done.

In the past I might have picked a up a new piece of gear or looked for some new locations to get the juices flowing again. This time I’m trying a new approach; instead of spending money on new hardware I bought a beautiful print at a local gallery.

I have spent way less for a new camera and lens, but this time I’m hoping for inspiration through the work of another photographer, to sit down and talk about photography, to compare experiences.

Olympus Pen F and Olympus 25mm f1.8 Processed in Snapseed.


Connecticut Playhouse © Steven Willard

The first time I saw this playhouse I was reminded of the 1948 film “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House”,starring Cary Grant, Myrna Loy and a wonderfully understated Melvin Douglas. The Blandings family is feeling crowded in their New York City apartment and decides to move to a house in Connecticut that needs some remodeling. Somewhere along the line what was a intended as a fix-up turns into a major makeover. Along the way, we meet Connie, played by Betsy Marshall, as the defender of the under privileged, and Louise Beavers as the family cook who saves the day for Mr. Blanding’s advertising campaign.

Well, I could only imagine the Blandings getting carried away in the construction of the playhouse that attempts to satisfy everyone’s wants.

Pentax K5IIs with Pentax FA 50mm f1.4 lens, processed Lightroom and Snapseed.

Ice, no snow

Ice on the pond, Woodbury, Connecticut © Steven Willard

So far this winter I don’t think we have had more than two inches of snow and everyone agrees temperatures are higher than normal. Perhaps this is the new normal, but it was cold enough the last couple of nights to ice over this pond.

This is another working test of the new Laowa 6mm f2.0 lens, processed as usual in Snapseed on my IPad Pro. As far as I can see so far it’s a keeper.

Too much?

I sense a theme © Steven Willard

I guess if you own a house that fronts on Main Street in an historic New England town that was founded in 1673, you are entitled to a bit of slack. What might seem over the top in another situation feels right here.

Pentax K5 IIs with kit 18-55mm zoom. Processed in Snapseed.

The Wally Effect

The Wally Effect © Steven Willard

It’s been a few years now, but every so often I feel the tug of Wally, my last dog, on my arm. Wally was a terrier mix who had an uncanny nose for finding places for me to photograph. He would never brag about such a talent and would always make it look as though it was just something that happened while he was searching for the best place to do his business, but it happened too often to be a coincidence. Time and again we would be out for a stroll when he would stop and begin to cast back and forth. Then he would put his nose down and begin to make smaller and smaller circles in search for the ideal spot.

Now I’ve always believed that even animals are due some sort of basic privacy when nature calls (I require privacy myself when when needs must) so the drill was to put his leash on the ground and step on it, leaving my hands free to manage a camera. Thus anchored, with a couple of minutes to kill, I would try to find something to photograph in the time allotted and it was surprising how often we were both productive. This was just the sort of place he would choose and I still miss his guidance.

Olympus Pen F with Leica DG 15mm f1.7 processed in PS Express and Snapseed.

A small piece of land

A small piece of land © Steven Willard

With a nod to Woody Allen in a scene from the movie “Love and Death” , where his father is holding, in his cupped hands, a piece of sod which he hopes to build on some day. Here is a piece of waterfront property I might be able to afford…someday.

Olympus OMD EM1 MkII with Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 processed in Snapseed.